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© 2025 Barossa Leader

Program launch highlights Festival choices

4 min read

The unveiling of the 2025 Barossa Vintage Festival Program last week paid homage to long-held traditions while introducing some exciting new events to the line-up.

With the Festival scheuled for April, an official program launch was held in the square outside Barossa Visitors' Centre, Tanunda on Tuesday evening, with Festival Chair, Carla Wiese-Smith welcoming the group, which included; event managers, convenors, volunteers, sponsors and representatives from The Barossa Council.

"…As a board, one of our overarching priorities has been to bring the community on the journey with us towards the 2025 Festival and I hope that's the general feeling amongst you all," Carla said.

"We're here tonight to celebrate the release of our program, which I like to think of as a bit of a patchwork quilt, with many colourful threads pulling together a captivating cross section of our community and industry.

"I hope you're going to find a diverse range of events which celebrate our rich heritage and creative community, whether it be discovering the lost art of letter writing, enjoying ANZAC Day sport, a long lunch or two or even a Teddy Bears' picnic – there's something for everyone in this year's program..."

Carla then introduced The Barossa Council Mayor, Bim Lange, who spoke of his festival memories.

"I do remember coming up with my Dad in the Austin A40 ute and watching the parade between the area, so very much a tradition, very much part of the heritage and the culture of the Barossa," Mayor Lange said.

"And it's great to see the resurgence of the Barossa Vintage Festival. It is a great story. It's a great story that has endured a long, long time, as Carla has mentioned, grassroots celebration for the local community, but for visitors to our community, one of the genuine reflections of our Barossa people, the volunteers and everyone coming together as a community, the culture, the events and the traditions.

"It's especially heartening to see the return of some of the loved traditionals. You know, I do love the good old grape stomp," Mayor Lange added, before confirming that there would again be a delegation from sister city, Grapevine, Texas at the April festival.

Other speakers at the launch included Marketing Manager of Barossa Co-op Natalie Chivell, who recapped the Co-op's achievements in supporting the community over the past financial year and its commitment to the upcoming Barossa Vintage Festival.

"The Barossa community is at the heart of everything we do," Natalie said.

"So, in 2025 Barossa Co-op will once again proudly support the Barossa Vintage Festival, not only through financial support, but participation as well," she said.

In their addresses, Festival 2025 Co-Directors, Rebecca Reynolds and Maz McGann went on to provide additional detail about what the community can expect at the Festival.

Rebecca said, "The Barossa Vintage Festival is at its heart a celebration of wine making, but it's also a celebration of our music, our community, heritage, food and arts, and it's a time when we the Barossa, make memories amongst our family, our visitors, our friends, old and new, we share stories.

"This year, we're going to be singing and dancing and certainly indulging in a little of the food, wine and culture that our region does best.

"Each Vintage Festival is a little bit different, and so they should be, because the Festival is an expression of who we are and the stories and the experiences that we, you, all of us here tonight can share right now.

"Yes, it's an economic driver, but actually at its heart, it's a kind of fabulous reason to invite visitors, family, friends, to join us when we let down our hair, have some fun and a great big party…"

Maz McGann started her address by saying a printed program would be coming, "but for the time being, we encourage you all to get online and take a look at the program. This year's program has 85 events, 26 of those are art, music and heritage, 20 community events, 39 food and wine events.

"We have 67 host event host partners who we couldn't do it without and we have events happening all over the region…"

Maz went on to explain that while firm favourites such as Ziegenmarkt will be back, new instalments include a community event called the Barossa Big Sing and a party with "a retro club vibe," called Club Vintage.

With the community about to take a Christmas break, it could be the perfect time to plan your ideal Vintage Festival program selection.