Eudunda is a town with a rich tapestry of history, but also one that is filled with opportunity and exciting projects moving forward.
The Leader asked local historian and author, Samuel Doering, to share his thoughts on Eudunda’s future, as well as some of the current work he is involved with.
What are your favourite things about living in the Eudunda area?
I love the real sense of community in Eudunda. Whenever things get tough, or someone needs a hand, the community rallies to lend their support. I have seen that time and time again while serving on the Eudunda Show Society committee. In the last 12 months, we’ve served the community at the Marrabel and Kapunda rodeos, the Anlaby Spring Festival, the 24 Hour Trial, during the recent Tom Curtain concert, at local auctions, the Show and Shine, and much more. This strong tradition of volunteering is replicated across the breadth of the broader community. Long may it last.
I love the sweeping scenery that surrounds Eudunda. Every time I drive up Scenic Road or Tablelands Road, I am astounded by the broad vista to the east. It looks majestic in spring time when the canola is in bloom, but it takes on its own rugged persona when the drought (comes) – dust swirls, the land is singed, and the dark green mallee criss-crosses the bare patches, maintaining an illusion of greenery. Who knew there were so many varieties of brown?!
I love our local businesses and organisations. In various ways, I’ve seen what our community is capable of: innovative manufacturing and engineering, crafting visually striking artworks to beautify the main street, and using local produce to cook delicious food. Sometimes we don’t know how lucky we are!
How do you feel about the future of Eudunda generally?
I feel positive about the future of Eudunda. As a historian, I constantly read about progress; the growth of organisations, the construction of buildings, the expansion of towns and streets. What I see at Eudunda is a continual trajectory of growth. Though it may be hard to see that in the middle of a drought, Eudunda is growing, and the next big leap forward is on the horizon.
Jakelco Contracting and the Regional Council of Goyder have been working together to deliver the Cowie Springs Estate on the northern end of the town. This will bring new housing to the district and provide a much-needed labour force to keep our manufacturing businesses going. New housing means new families, more schoolchildren, more footy and netball players, more business, and a stronger community. Eudunda is ready to grow!
What are some of the opportunities you are seeing within the town?
Eudunda is a town teeming with opportunities. The Goyder Master Plan is being renewed to ensure Eudunda can continue to thrive. Some of these ideas include the implementation of a town-wide stormwater management plan, or the establishment of the Eudunda to Hampden Cycling Trail, or major works to beautify the main street and preserve our local heritage.
Talks are also underway about the use of the Eudunda Recreation Park, which will transform the way the site is utilised.
Likewise, the ‘Top End of Town’ Carpark, which greets visitors to the town, is set to be upgraded thanks to the work of local engineering businesses – Schutz Industries, Reimann Manufacturing, and Demot – and talented local artists, Jim Ronda, and Jed Dunstan.
There is so much happening in Eudunda that to give a full report would take up many columns in the paper! Suffice to say, Eudunda is grabbing every available opportunity to grow, expand, beautify and improve.
Where do you see Eudunda in the next 20 years?
I see Eudunda continuing to thrive. I see all the services and organisations that are currently operating continuing to do so in 2045. The people who generously volunteer for community causes will inevitably change, but we have a strong foundation now that has set us up for the future.
My hope is that by 2045 Eudunda will have achieved more big projects, that the streets will be more beautiful, that new businesses will come in and thrive.
I expect that several of our major heritage buildings which are currently undergoing renovations and restorations, including the Wiesner Building and Railway Station, will be thriving and welcoming visitors from near and far.
Eudunda really is a ‘Valley of Hidden Treasures.’
What celebrations are planned for the 155th anniversary?
Currently there are no celebrations planned for the 155th anniversary. Since it’s not a significant anniversary, no plans had been put in place. Now that The Leader is making a feature of the anniversary, we might have to get cracking and plan something!
Eudunda has traditionally celebrated its birthday in November, so there is still time to organise something to mark the occasion.
How are the renovations on the Heritage Gallery Roof going?
The renovation of the ceiling and roof has been on the cards for some time. We are so grateful to the Regional Council of Goyder for funding this large project. In the weeks before the Gallery was set to be vacated, volunteers carefully packed hundreds of boxes of artefacts and memorabilia, carefully labelling and packing each box. All that was left were the physical fittings. Volunteers from the Eudunda Show Society lent a hand to move desks, cupboards, pin boards, filing cabinets, and large display items. So effective was the removal process that the entire Main Gallery was cleared in 45 minutes! It was surprising to see just how large the Main Gallery is, and we already have a few ideas how we can utilise the space for fundraising before displays go back in.